5. Сделай сам

1. Сделай сам - маппинг данных

const _ = require('lodash');

const loc = [
    location_key: [32, 22, 11],
    autoassign: 1,
    location_key: [41, 42],
    autoassign: 1,

const bulkConfig = [
    dataValues: {
      config_key: 100,
    dataValues: {
      config_key: 200,

// const result = _.map(loc, (locEl, index) => {
//   return _.map(locEl.location_key, (locationKey) => {
//     return {
//       config_key: bulkConfig[index].dataValues.config_key,
//       location_key: locationKey,
//       autoassign: locEl.autoassign,
//     };
//   });
// });

// const flattenedResult = _.flatten(result);

// console.log('result', flattenedResult);

const getConfigs = (locEl, index) => {
  return _.map(locEl.location_key, (locationKey) => {
    return {
      config_key: bulkConfig[index].dataValues.config_key,
      location_key: locationKey,
      autoassign: locEl.autoassign,

const configs = _.chain(loc).map(getConfigs).flatten().value();

console.log('configs', configs);


configs [
  { config_key: 100, location_key: 32, autoassign: 1 },
  { config_key: 100, location_key: 22, autoassign: 1 },
  { config_key: 100, location_key: 11, autoassign: 1 },
  { config_key: 200, location_key: 41, autoassign: 1 },
  { config_key: 200, location_key: 42, autoassign: 1 }

2. Сделай сам - функция classnames

Чего-то поломалось с chain. По быстрому не разберусь. Оставил вариант без chain.

const _ = require('lodash');
const classNames = (conditions) => {
  const foo = _.map(conditions, (value, key) => {
    return value ? key : undefined;
  return _.join(_.compact(foo), ' ');

  // const getUsedClassName = async (value, key) => {
  //   console.log('------------');

  //   return (await value) ? key : undefined;
  // };

  // return _.chain(conditions).map(getUsedClassName).compact().join(' ').values();

const isAuthor = false;
const isInFocus = true;
const liClass = classNames({
  item: true,
  active: isAuthor,
  'item-hightlighted': isInFocus,

console.log('liClass', liClass);

liClass item item-hightlighted

3. Сделай сам - замена параметров в url

const _ = require('lodash');

const replaceParamsInUrl = (url, replacements) => {
  // Так не надо из-за возможной мутации при передаче объектов
  // _.map(replacements, (replacement) => {
  //   url = _.replace(url, ':' + replacement.from, replacement.to);
  // });
  // return url;

  return _.reduce(
    (acc, replacement) => {
      return _.replace(acc, ':' + replacement.from, replacement.to);

const initialUrl = '/posts/:postId/comments/:commentId';
const resultUrl = replaceParamsInUrl(initialUrl, [
    from: 'postId',
    to: '1',
    from: 'commentId',
    to: '3',

console.log('resultUrl', resultUrl);

resultUrl /posts/1/comments/3

4. Сделай сам - сообщения валидации

const _ = require('lodash');

const backendErrors = {
  email: {
    errors: [{ message: "Can't be bank" }],
  password: {
    errors: [
      { message: 'Must contain symbols in different case' },
      { message: 'Must be at least 8 symbols long' },
  passwordConfirmation: {
    errors: [{ message: 'Must match with password' }],

const humanReadableBackendErrors = _.map(backendErrors, (value, field) => {
  const fieldMessages = _.chain(value.errors).map('message').join(', ').value();

  return _.upperFirst(field + ': ' + fieldMessages);

console.log('result', humanReadableBackendErrors);


result [
  "Email: Can't be bank",
  'Password: Must contain symbols in different case, Must be at least 8 symbols long',
  'PasswordConfirmation: Must match with password'

5. Сделай сам - вложенные списки

const _ = require('lodash');

const flatList = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'lvl 1 tiem 1',
    parentId: null,
    id: 2,
    name: 'lvl 1 tiem 2',
    parentId: null,
    id: 3,
    name: 'lvl 2 tiem 3',
    parentId: 1,
    id: 4,
    name: 'lvl 3 tiem 4',
    parentId: 3,
    id: 5,
    name: 'lvl 3 tiem 5',
    parentId: 2,

const addChildren = (item) => {
  const children = _.filter(flatList, (childItem) => {
    return childItem.parentId === item.id;
  let nestedChildren = [];
  if (!_.isEmpty(children)) {
    nestedChildren = _.map(children, addChildren);

  return _.assign({}, item, { children: nestedChildren });

const nestedList = _.chain(flatList)
  .filter((item) => {
    return item.parentId === null;

console.log('nestedList', nestedList);

nestedList [
    id: 1,
    name: 'lvl 1 tiem 1',
    parentId: null,
    children: [ [Object] ]
    id: 2,
    name: 'lvl 1 tiem 2',
    parentId: null,
    children: [ [Object] ]